The Criterone Collective of Soderburg
A people's republic with a post-gender culture, the Criterione Collective is the only faction which openly welcomes refugees from other cultures.
Known to gather to engage in heated debates with one another about all manner of minutiae.

The Criterione Collective is a People’s Republic, wherein the population elects recallable leaders to serve on a leadership council. Though the Collective values freedom and personal expression, Soderburgers are extremely socially conscious and don't require federal mandates to take care of their own. Thus the Criterione government is largely laissez-faire. The Criterione Council does not meet regularly, and typically only convenes officially in times of urgent unrest when a referendum is not feasible. By and large, rules are set and laws are passed by direct democracy.

The Criterione Collective is a post-gender culture, wherein children are assigned placeholder names which are proposed by the parents and voted upon by their immediate community. Criterione children go by these “Natal Names”, until such time as they are old enough to select a designation for themselves. Typically, they choose their first name and their surname is their chosen occupation. Either can change at any point, based on the whim of the citizen.
The Criterione Collective is the only faction which openly welcomes refugees from other cultures, and their borders are only guarded to protect their resources and populace from the closed-minded people who populate the other districts and wish to impose upon their freedoms.

THE CRITERIONE COLLECTIVE was formed when several smaller tribes of Niche Nomads with similar appreciation for the artistic, the intellectual and the esoteric united in a spirit of solidarity. The Fellinians, the Berg-men, The Cassavites and many other connoisseurs of complexity would gather to engage in heated debates with one another about all manner of minutiae. Their passionate diatribes diminished other slightly different fandoms in favor of their own little corner of interest and, while an outside observer might have seen this verbal violence and taken it for hate-fueled vitriol, these nascent Criteriones relished the rush of rhetoric.
As other tribes began to consolidate around them, the Niche Nomads realized that they would need to unite to survive. A call was sent forth to the five corners, and the many tiny tribes gathered at the ruins of the Alamo Drafthouse, where they spent thirty days arguing non-stop. Suddenly in the midst of their argument about the merits of Mumblecore, one Criterione paused and realized that, in the midst of their many disagreements, they had accidentally formed a functional settlement. Thus, from the crucible of conflict, The Criterione Collective was forged.